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Africa Youth Leadership Diplomatic Conference (AYLDC) is an educational youth diplomatic conference which follows some simulations of United Nations (UN) in which enthusiastic young people from all over the world gather to learn more about diplomacy, international relations and the UN. It is a great opportunity and exciting opportunity for young people to foster dialogue on creating change and promoting peace and youth participation worldwide, above all, coming up with solutions to contemporary global issues so as to make this world a better place and more sustainable. AYLDC provides a unique opportunity for youth to gain more knowledge on the role, structure and activities of the United Nations as well as promotes networking, gaining soft skills mainly leadership skills, negotiation/ diplomacy and knowledge on the economic, social and political security issues facing our world.
IYC works in collaboration with various youth groups and aims to encourage aspiring leaders by providing a platform to showcase their skills. IYC will always strive to innovate its programs for international youths as a strategic platform to develop and explore themselves as well as create changes to make the world a better place.
Model United Nations
Model African Union